Nursing Management System

A complete nursing home management system that enables nursing homes to keep complete record of patient information including personal information, medical history, insurance information and contact details. It not only keeps a record of observations and services performed on each visit but also manages nursing home activities including patient monitoring, care giver scheduling and medication.

Internet of

Zigbee enabled wireless gadgets to detect diaper wetness of patients and signal nursing station when the diaper needs to be changed. The built-in sensors intelligently detect fall event and signals the caretaker for assistance


HIPPA compliant complete nursing home management

Care plan setup and execution

Mobile app to record and monitor patient information

Notifications to inform care giver about important events and scheduled activities

Record of observations and services performed on each visit

Management of patient’s personal information, medical history, insurance information


Here is a glimpse of the Mobile App

Zealacare is being used in several nursing centers in Canada.